Monday, 22 April 2013


Hello internets
Yeah, so I didn't do a post yesterday because I was busy gathering information for this one. It's a bit of a serious topic today, being mental bullies.
I think of two different kinds of bullies, normal bullies who utilise physical violence and usually are not very bright.
And then you have mental bullies- who use their words as a weapon. These are the worse kind, because instead of leaving a temporary mark like a bruise or a cut, actually leave a permanent mark- madness, nervousness or in some very serious cases even suicide. An they're clever too- they know what to do to hurt you from the inside, know how you work.

There's a girl at my school, who for security reasons will only be know as she or her. She's a mental bully, the worse kind. And she's a real pain, to put it in the nicest way. Let's take a look at some things she's done to me and my friends in the past.

1) She threated to murder and rape us. Why? We corrected a mispronunciation.
2) Threatening to murder us and defecte on our corpses. Why? Because we questioned her leaving her bag on the metro
3) Sending one of her lackeys to beat us up for metioning her boyfriend

The list goes on...
Yeah, so she's a bit pathetic. But she's one of many out there, and we need to do something about them, because this is ridiculous. How people can be bullied for just being themselves. The people who do this kind of thing for kicks need to be stopped, so please- if you know about anything like this, tell someone. Be it a friend, teacher, manager or anyone- tell someone.

Thanks for reading,

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