Friday, 3 May 2013

Grammar (a force which seems to be nonexistent in this world)

I have decided.
99% of the YouTube population is/are idiots. You know who I'm talking about- the illiterate ones. Now, I know I've made a few grammatical errors in previous posts, but that was only because sometimes I type so fast that I get the letters jumbled up.
Let's take a look at some comments from 'Double Dare Fail' by danisnotinteresting-

im attactive sometimes?!?!?!?? you mean ALL THE TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oh, wow. First of all, one bit of punctuation at the end of a sentence. ?!?!?!?? is NOT appropriate, more punctuation does not equal more emotion. You need to capitalize 'I'm' and 'You'. It's spelt 'attractive' and, last time I checked, time only had 1 'e'.

at 2:09 that red smoke in the top left luuks like it is giving you ''the finger''

*slow clap* You didn't even spell 'looks' right. Well done you.

They stopped doing fan mail. They both closed there P.O boxes...

And, yes. I am a grammar Nazi. But, in my opinion, if you're going to say or write something for the whole internet to see, you may as well say or write it correctly, and with good grammar. On a final note, 'grammar', not 'grammer', to that kind of moron.

Thanks for reading,

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