Monday 15 April 2013

Hello World!

So, this is the world we live in.
A world of hate
A world of crime
A world of destruction
A world of...

The internet.

As they say, in a world of blind men, the man who has one eye is king.
And now your king has arrived.

But this isn't his blog. Unfortunately his website is down so I'll be filling in for him until it's fixed. So, I'm SuitedMonkey, and I love to play video games. It's almost unhealthy. I'll try to make a new post every day or so, alternating between 3 series.

The Rage Blog: I'll rage about something that irks me.
SuitedMonkey LOVES: I'll go on about something I love, be it easter eggs, games or even TV shows.
Reviewing: I'll review something. Literally, could be anything.

Maybe I'll do an off-series post once in a while, just to shake things up. But for now,

Thanks for reading.
Suited Monkey

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